FRIDAY- Tumblr Version:
Still awake, at 2 oclock in the morning
Gotta refresh, gotta run my blog
Gotta post a cat, follow me I’ll follow back
Checking on my posts, the notes are growing
Going on and on, everybody’s postin’
Gotta get checking my ask box
Gotta face the facts: I have no friends
Reblog if you love God,
Reblog if you ARE God
Gotta make my mind up
Which theme should I take?
Oh, Tumblr, Tumblr
Where did my life go? Tumblr!
Everybody’s lookin’ to be Tumblr famous, famous
Tumblr, Tumblr
Teenage angst on Tumblr
No one with a blog knows what a social life is
Rebloggging, Reblogging (Yeah)
Reblogging, Reblogging (Yeah)
food, food, food, food
I’ll be staying up all night again
4:45, post a picture of a mustache
Legalize gay, keep calm, carry on
Potter, Potter, think about Potter
“We’ll be back Shortly”
David Karp, David Karp
Your website has a glitch
Who let the Tumbeasts out?
Let’s blame Bieber
Animals are dying
Old people are crying
Time to turn the guilt on
Reblog if you care
Oh, Tumblr, Tumblr
Where did my life go? Tumblr!
Everybody’s lookin’ to be Tumblr famous, famous
Tumblr, Tumblr
Teenage angst on Tumblr
No one with a blog knows what a social life is
Rebloggging, Reblogging (Yeah)
Reblogging, Reblogging (Yeah)
food, food, food, food
I’ll be staying up all night again
written by:
Thats clever
[Flash 10 is required to watch video.]